These are photos of Equipo 57 sculptures. I believe this group of artists, originated in Córdoba, has been one of the most interesting and stimulating initiatives in my city.  

My father, Diego Jordano Barea, was related to them through his friendship with Ángel Duarte who has been studying Veterinary at University of Córdoba, where my father was professor of Biology.  

  • E-1E (1960-61). Piedra natural.33,5 x 35 x 36 cms
  • E-1Ch (1959). Piedra natural. 34 x 43,5 x 43,5 cms.
  • E-1Dc (1960). Piedra natural. 34 x 35 x 40 cms.
  • E-1Fa (1960). Piedra natural. 50 x 42 x 32 cms. (Existe ejemplar en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Córdoba).
  • T-1b (1960). Alambre galvanizado. 57 x 75 x 75 cms. (Existe ejemplar en la Estación de Autobuses de Córdoba)
  • E-1O (1960. Reconstruida en 1993). Alambre galvanizado y yeso. 58,5 x 66,5 x 58,5 cms.
  • E-2m (1961. Reconstruida en 1993). Madera de pino. 22,5 x 44,5 x 23 cms
  • E-2c (1962-63. Reconstruida en 1990). Acero. 200 x 60 x 60 cms.
  • E-2n (1962-63. Reconstruida en 1988). Madera laminada. 99 x 70 x 73 cms
  • E-1Ha (1963). Bronce. 60 x 46 x 43 cms.
Equipo 57 was formed by:
Juan Cuenca. Puente Genil, Córdoba. 1934
Angel Duarte. Aldanueva del Camino, Cáceres. 1930
José Duarte. Córdoba. 1928
Agustín Ibarrola. Bilbao. 1930
Juan Serrano. Córdoba. 1929

Created in 1957, it lasted until 1962, with its end in 1966 at an exhibition in Bern, Switzerland.

In February 1959 a series of conferences were organized in Córdoba with the title "Parallels between Science and Art", setup by Equipo 57 artists at the Instituto de Enseñanza Media Góngora, with the help of Córdoba's City Hall. My father gave a conference entitled "Deformation geometries and abstract art". He had been very interested in the topological deformations of  rubber, homomorphism and topology. He had already published a couple of papers and essays on topology and these interests were coincident with the artistic and plastic principles of Equipo 57. After all, homomorphism is the transformation of an object into an analogue with its basic structural pieces arranged according to the same principle or pattern. In topology, size is not essential, neither form is determinant because the essential basics are the deformations that can be produced by elastic deformation, without  breakage or soldering. Other speakers at that conference included  psychiatrist Carlos Castilla del Pino, the architect La-Hoz Arderíus, art critic Manuel Sánchez Camargo and the writer Gonzalo Torrente Ballester.